Hearthstone – FanArt brawl “Art grind”

Artwork done for the Fanart brawl facebook group.The theme was "Art Grind: Draw Horde character with simple armor/weapon gear (not higher 20 lvl) in the Barrens. Deadline - 20 AprilI decided to design a young troll huntress levelling in the Barrens. https://fr.classic.wowhead.com/items/weapons/bows/min-req-level:1/max-req-level:20

Hearthstone – FanArt brawl 13

Artwork done for the Fanart brawl facebook group.I decided to go for a double class, I guess that's some Wow (old) player's dream. I had the idea of a combat rogue mixed with an arcane mage. When attacking, she could be throwing arcane projectiles on hit. I also tried to keep the appearance of the … Continue reading Hearthstone – FanArt brawl 13

Lightbox Expo: Box of Mystery

https://www.artstation.com/contests/lightbox-expo/challenges/85 Box of Mystery The theme of the Challenge is Box of Mystery. We’re challenging artists to imagine a mysterious world of wonder where creativity is the way.   The Challenge is made up of five categories (Keyframe Design, Character Design, Environment Design, Prop Design and 2D animation) running for six weeks. The LightBox Expo: … Continue reading Lightbox Expo: Box of Mystery

Enseignement à la Léonardus

Concepts et illustration réalisés pour le challenge 10 de DigitalPainting.school. Theme libre, idées générales : progression, defi, entraide, evolution, voyage, reve, ambition, aventure, combat pour la victoireDate limite : tu as jusqu’au 16 décembre 2019 à 23h59. Date limite : tu as jusqu’au 3 janvier 2020 à 23h59. Dimensions demandées : 331mm x 268mm en … Continue reading Enseignement à la Léonardus